Comics : Bed making Blue PDF


Comics :  Bed making Blue

  Comics :  Bed making Blue PDF

Mom, I don’t  like making my  bed.
It takes me so long and it’s  too difficult.
Can you make it  for me, please؟”
“Sure, but it will take away from the time that I would use to do other things for you.
Which one of my jobs can you do for me, while I make your bed?”
“I could serve myself breakfast,” answered Kay.
“Well, that’s something you already do, isn’t it?” replied Mom.
“Yes… Oh, then I don’t know. There’s nothing else for me to do,” said Kay.
“If I make your bed, can you make my bed?” asked Mom.
“Or, can you do the breakfast dishes or the laundry for me, while I make your bed?”
“I’m thinking about it,” said Kay.
“I’ve decided that I will make my bed instead.
That way I can practice doing it, so that I can get better and faster at it.
“Sounds like a good idea,” said Mom.
“Now I can finish preparing breakfast.
And we can enjoy it together, as soon as you’re done making your bed.
“Watch out, messy bed.

Here I come!”


Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

Comics :  Bed making Blue

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